Below you will find your free bonus gifts – the e-books I promised you. They will enhance your understanding of your manifesting power and how you can transform your life. They supplement the program and will give you an even deeper understanding of what it takes to reach any goal.
In addition to the e-books I also promised you 15 bonus videos: 3 power of thought videos and 12 follow-up videos.
You´ll find the 3 power of thought videos in Step 1 and you can learn more about the 12 follow-up videos on the Welcome Page.
I recommend that you go through the program first before looking into the material in the e-books below.
Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend (e-book)
A powerful book that has helped millions of people. Your Invisible Power is one of the earliest and most inspirational books of ‘New Thought” based on the work and study from Genevieve Behrend after being the one and only student of Thomas Troward for two years. Mr. Troward was an English author whose works influenced the New Thought Movement – he has also been called The Master of Mental Science. Genevieve Behrend work with him from 1912 – 1914 learning the power of visualizing and making our dreams come true.
“We all possess more power and greater possibilities than we realize, and visualizing is one of the greatest of these powers”- Genevieve Behrend
– A great book you’ll enjoy reading and re-reading – LD ODOM
– I really like this book…and it made me believe again…this is going to be my life changing book- Jay From NY
Right click on the pdf symbol below and Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” to download the ebook.

As A Man Tinketh by James Allan (e-book)
First published in 1903, James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh has become accepted worldwide as a classic of inspirational thought.
– This is the one of the most powerful and life changing books that I ever read! – Thomas D. Mcclelland
– The book is thought provoking and stimulating – Tony DeFrancisco
Right click on the pdf symbol below and Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” to download the ebook.
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles (e-book)
Wallace D. Wattles spent a lifetime considering the laws of success as he found them in the work of the world’s great philosophers. He then turned his life effort into this simple, slender book – a volume that he vowed could replace libraries of philosophy, spirituality, and self-help for the purpose of attaining one definite goal: a life of prosperity
– What Wattles clearly explains are some very simple but profound principles of how you can use your thought power to create wealth – William Marshall
– I have read many books on this subject, and this one goes to the top of my list! The reader is clear, and precise – Kathleen M. Smith
Right click on the pdf symbol below and Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” to download the ebook.

Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill (e-book)
Think And Grow Rich is arguably the most famous success book of all time. It has changed the lives of millions of people through the years.
– Like all books by Napoleon Hill this book is outstanding. I have read this book many times over the years, and learn something new every time – Mike
-This book has truly changed my life. This book should be required reading in all high school economic and/or every social studies class – Carla Peterson
Right click on the pdf symbol below and Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” to download the ebook.
The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel (e-book)
The Master Keys System will not only outline how important positive thinking is it will guide you through practical lessons that will make it easy for you to change your entire way of thinking. The Master Key System is your life-long companion, opening the door to amazing results.
– This is the best book I have ever read in my life – L. Lustig
– Charles Haanel’s book, The Master Key System, is one of the best metaphysical books written – Pearle
Right click on the pdf symbol below and Choose “Save Target As” or “Save Link As” to download the ebook.

Concluding Remarks
Having reached this Bonus section you should by now have completed Step 1, 2 and 3 of the program. In addition you should have gone through the Resource section and finally this Bonus page with the Bonus gifts.
I just want to add some final words to you.
You have incredible powers within as you have the ability to think and feel regardless of your circumstances. You have the gift of imagination.
- If you are overweight and want to loose weight you can see yourself as fit and being at your optimal weight.
- If you are poor you can see yourself as rich.
- If you are unemployed you can see yourself as having a great job – a job you love.
- If you are single and want a loving partner see yourself as living a dream life with your dream partner.
When you close your eyes and let your imagination sour you can create any image you want. No matter what your goal is it can be achieved. It’s all about changing your thought patterns so you can change your feelings, actions, decisions and vibrational frequency.
The subconscious mind will start to work for you 24/7 to match your inner reality with the outer reality. And as a result your vibrational frequency will make sure The Quantum Field responds by “sending you” people, events and circumstance that will match your inner reality.
Your transformational process will greatly increase if you decide to be heart based and heart focused as often as you can. You possess a great manifesting power and it lies within your heart.
And remember: Judgment is weakness. OBSERVATION IS STRENGTH.
I wish you all the best,
Camillo ☺
P. S. I truly want you to have a great life so if anything is unclear or if you just want to send me and my team some feedback after completing the program please get in touch: